We cannot trust
Ben Chou to tell the truth.
Don’t trust him with your vote.
Chou lied about not taking contributions from county vendors. He does.
Official campaign finance records filed by Chou on May 16, 2022 compared with official county procurement records, reveal multiple contributions from donors who do business with the county:

Chou attacks others who have accepted contributions from county vendors. That makes him not only a liar, but a hypocrite.
Chou has repeatedly lied about his resume, falsely claiming to have “created” drive-thru voting (@BenChouTX on Twitter, January 6, 2022: “I’m Ben Chou, the person who created drive-thru voting in Texas”).
Chou was criticized for his lies at the Houston LGBTQ+ Political Caucus endorsement meeting on January 29, 2022. The Caucus screening committee confirmed that, during his endorsement interview, Chou took credit for the work of others, until challenged by committee members.
Chou’s lies to cover up his own lack of experience show he’s not ready for prime time. Republican incumbent Jack Cagle would crush him in November.
Chou even created a fake a Houston Chronicle headline to deceive voters. (Facebook, May 5, 2022)
Chou created a website for a fake organization to conduct his smear campaign against Lesley Briones – and then he faked the “proof” by changing the headline of a Houston Chronicle news article.
The truth is that the Houston Chronicle endorsed Lesley Briones in the runoff against Chou (Houston Chronicle, May 10, 2022, “We recommend Lesley Briones in Democratic runoff for Harris County Commissioner, Precinct 4”).
In creating his fake news and smear campaign, Chou committed serious violations of campaign ethics laws in the process. None of the pages for this fake organization contained the disclosures required by Section 255.001 of the Texas Election Code – each a violation punishable by fine of up to $4,000.
That was only Chou’s most recent violation of Texas ethics laws. Chou violated Section 254.031 of the Election Code by failing to disclose the purpose of political expenditures and failing to provide required information about campaign donors. These requirements are at the heart of laws our legislature created to promote transparency and limit the corrupting influence of money in politics. Again, another example of Chou’s hypocrisy and dishonesty.
Chou lies. And, he makes up new lies to cover up previous lies.
We cannot trust Ben Chou to tell the truth, period. The people of Precinct 4 deserve much better.